Philip is available for a number of bespoke Vlogging services such as:
Vlogging for your company, one on one or group Vlogging tuition via his Vlogging Academy up to PhD level, Vlog consultancy, Vlog direction and writing, dinner and Vlog dates, Vlogging and chill (prices are negotiable)
He is also qualified to perform Weddings in 86 countries, which includes a 60 seconds personal vlog for the happy couple.
Winner of 27 Academy Awards including multiples ones for “Best Vlog” “Best Vlogger” “Best Supporting Vlogger” and “Best Animated Vlog”
14 Golden Globes including “Best Vlog -Music or Comedy” SEVEN TIMES!
9 Tony Awards for his smash hit musical comedy drama “The Flippy Story”
3 Grammy Awards for Best Album, Best Composer, Best Exposure for “Vlogging - Musical”
Moggie vloggies
For those looking for something more feline friendly, Philip spent 15 years pioneereomg and perfecting a new Vlog sub-genre, the “Moggie Vloggie”
He invented the now industry standard “Cattypod”, the cat camera selfie mount that won the prestigious Red Dot Design “Social Good” award in 2017.
All of his cats are highly skilled using the “Cattypod” whilst walking and meowing. They are also highly skilled at going back and forth across keyboards for all NLE platforms.
This page is purely for fun, any non factual information is to make you laugh!